Emergency Dentistry In Rochester Hills, MI
What Is A Dental Emergency?
If you’re experiencing serious oral pain and discomfort or bleeding, you’re having a dental emergency. Lots of different things count as dental emergencies, including toothaches, cracked and broken teeth, loose teeth, knocked-out teeth, and even deep cuts to the gums, lips, and tongue.
If you think that you’re having a dental emergency in Rochester Hills, MI, the team at Oakridge Dental Center is here to help. Contact us now at (248) 652-1100 to schedule a same-day appointment with Dr. Samer Obeid or Dr. Robert Haddad today.
Call Oakridge
Dental Center
First, give us a call at (248) 652-1100. We offer same-day emergency treatment for all patients. You can’t fix a dental emergency on your own, so call us as soon as you can. We’ll do our best to fit you in for an appointment, and provide the care you need.
Take care of pain and bleeding
If your mouth is bleeding, you can absorb blood with a sterile piece of gauze, a cotton ball, or a paper towel. Taking over-the-counter medicine like ibuprofen can help with pain. You also can ice the outside of your cheek near the affected area for 15 minutes at a time. Icing helps with discomfort and swelling, too.
Come to your same-day appointment ASAP
The sooner you come to our office, the better your outcome will be. Your Rochester Hills dentist will examine your mouth, diagnose the issue, and provide you with the expert emergency dental treatment you need to restore your oral health in Rochester Hills, MI.
The Importance Of Prompt Care During A Dental Emergency
First and foremost, prompt care ensures that you can get out of pain and back to your day-to-day life. Tooth pain can make it impossible to focus on work, school, parenting, and other parts of your life. When you come to Oakridge Dental Center, you’ll get the care you need to eliminate your discomfort.
Getting prompt care also helps you prevent common complications. For example, getting a crown right after you break a tooth can eliminate the need for a root canal in the future. Getting prompt care helps you avoid complications. This eliminates the need for more complex treatment. Not only does that save you stress, but it saves you time and money, too.
You also will get valuable peace of mind. After your treatment at Oakridge Dental Center, you’ll know that you’re on your way back to a healthy mouth. You don’t have to worry about your smile, and you’ll be in good hands with our experienced dental team.
What Should I Do About A Severe Toothache?
Call us immediately at (248) 652-1100 for a same-day appointment with Dr. Obeid or Dr. Haddad. A severe toothache usually indicates an infected tooth, which is a serious dental emergency. If you don’t get professional treatment with a root canal, your pain will only get worse. And eventually, you may lose the tooth or need to have it pulled to protect your oral health.
Once you come to our office for same-day care, we’ll take care of you. Dr. Obeid or Dr. Haddad will clean and numb your mouth, then clean out your tooth with a root canal. After that, you’ll get a filling or a temporary crown. This eliminates your pain, and lets you get back to your routine.